
We Support

The Angelico Project
Since the beginning of creation, God has called His people into union with Him. At every moment in history, He sends forth His Holy Spirit to go before the people and prepare a path for this union. The Angelico Project, a work of the Holy Spirit, is such a path – here and now, in the Greater Cincinnati region.

We live in a time when many are opposed to the traditional presentation of the Gospel and the truths of the Faith, and yet the Good, the True and the Beautiful in the arts transcend all barriers – touching hearts, opening minds and transforming the soul.

Many have begun calling the work of The Angelico Project a “new renaissance”! Join us in this exciting endeavor as we hold up a bright beacon of Beauty to a world starving for faith, hope and love!

Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Center for New Evangelization

The Center for the New Evangelization fosters deeper communion and discernment of a renewed mission with parish leadership. The Center for the New Evangelization also goes on mission to the lost so as to bring individuals and families back into communion with Christ and the Church